I guess fine gardening can be quite a mystery to some people. The question always comes up, "So... what exactly DO you do?" Well folks, I wish I could solve the mystery for you, but apparently it's... like... top secret information shared only among gardner's and hippies. Kind of like Free Masons only "greener."
Ok fine. Here's what I do. I work outside ALL DAY - literally! Come sun, rain or snow or tornado, we go out in all sorts of weather! And while I'm outside I prune trees, dead-head flowers, separate perennials, fertilize, water... and whatever else you can think of. I'm basically a glorified maid for your garden :) But I also get to do cool design work on theside. Only small jobs for now, but eventually I may work my way up.
So while I've been working, I have found some things that make me VERY happy.
I know what you're thinking. Why the heck does she have her uniform here!? One reason...awesomeness!
So here's the skinny, I never have to pick out what I wear for work. I have six other outfits JUST like that! What a steal! Then there is the fact that it gives me the BEST farmers tan in the world! I have a permanent V stamped right below my neck :)
But the best reason of ALL is that it adds to my FINE-ness! I mean wouldn't you feel super hot dressed like that all day!? I mean the shoes alone are worth it all.
Woah just check out this hottie!!

So I have this terribly awesome habit of taking home flowers that we had to cut back and "throw away." I mean seriously!Who could look at those and throw them away!? Only in a man's world.
So I "steal" the flowers and put them on my kitchen table. Those 'lil hush puppies would cost a fortune at the flower store! Men, take note. If you want to save a pretty penny, get into GARDENING.
But really, these make me happy every time I walk in the door. That's worth a little stealing punishment, don't you think??
#1 Le Peeps!
For reals and in all seriousness, I LOVE the people I work with! This is definitely not a comprehensive list, but it was all the people I worked with the day I took these pictures. It's amazing how much you can love people in just a few short months!
Sergio - The lone member of my crew (that's right... we are a crew of two!) He rocks to socks off dead flowers heads!
Abel - The first guy to train me on the job. And the first Nicaraguan I've ever met. Booyah!
Francisco - That's fun to say! AKA - "The Terminator" He walks around like he owns the place.
Adrienne and her partner Pam - Adrienne is my "mentor" and I love her freakin GUTS! She really has helped me out so much in this process. Pam is amazing too! She is from London and does my"goa-jus" hair!
Chris - The level headed one :) I love Chris to pieces! Whenever she comes on a job I know all will be well with my day!

Well folks I hope you enjoyed the (not shorter) post today. I have more to blog about, so I'm sure you'll hear from me soon. But until then eat a big bowl of ice cream with hot fudge! It always does the trick for me!